Second Transnational Meeting of the Neurodiversity at Work Project

Participants at the Neurodiversity at Work project partner's meeting in Dublin September 13-14, 2023. Includes those attending in person standing in front of a screen showing those who attended online.

The Neurodiversity at Work (NEW) project partners met in Dublin on September 13 and 14, 2022, to review our work in progress and plan for the next steps. Thanks to our partner Specialisterne Ireland for hosting this meeting.

Our draft Neurodiversity Awareness Raising Strategy was reviewed. Additional content is being developed to support awareness raising of neurodiversity in the workplace incuding some videos and images which can support employers in their awareness raising efforts.

The first draft of our survey (to assess awareness and current practices, and identify training and competency development areas) was presented for review. We aim to finalise the survey in the coming month. The survey will be conducted in the project partner countries in late 2022 and early 2023 targetting employers, in particular SMEs and microenterprises.

Our communications and dissemination strategy was finalised; the project’s social media channels are live and partners are sharing the dissemination work on these channels, as well as disseminating the project in their own countries.

The draft project website was also reviewed; we aim to launch the project website in October. We are developing a multilingual site which will share project information in the 4 languages of the partners, namely English, Italian, Bulgarian and German.

Partners also discussed the planning for the first national stakeholder committee meetings which will be held in the coming months. The stakeholder committees are an important touchstone for us, where we can seek feedback from key stakeholders on project outputs, and also engage stakeholders to participate in and promote the project.

We also discussed the planning of the next phases of the project, reviewed the timeline of tasks, budgets, quality and evaluation and all management areas.

We look forward to sharing more project updates with you soon.
